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Handcrafting outdoor and indoor log furniture takes years of experience and at Cedar Creek Rustic Furniture we are not lacking in that category.For over 40 years, we have been building outdoor and indoor cedar log furniture by hand with the highest quality and durability available today.

Our indoor log furniture has dry kilned cedar lumber for the log table and dresser tops, to help prevent warping. The indoor log furniture like our dressers have the best drawer slides available and are full extension slides giving you access to the full drawer unlike other manufacturers. The indoor furniture can come with a varnish on it that has 3 coats of varnish applied by hand and sanded smooth in between each coat making it look and feel like glass when its finished. Or, you can get the furniture unfinished and you can apply the varnish or any other finish you like yourself.

Cedar Creek Rustic Furniture’s cedar log outdoor furniture uses 100% northern white cedar logs and lumber for longevity and comfort with its soft feel.Our cedar log outdoor furniture has larger than industry norm diameter logs for strength and appearance. We also use longer and wider dowels in the mortise and tenon system we use to connect the joints, again giving you the strongest and most durable outdoor log furniture on the market today. We can use the larger logs and bigger dowels because we live in the most populated region in the USA for northern white cedar. With the first hand ability to go out into the forest and get the natural resources yourselves, we pick out the best and largest logs. Most if not all of our competitors have the cedar logs shipped in from this region and do not have the choice of what they get, thus smaller less desirable logs. Our cedar log outdoor furniture also has zinc coated hardware that is also larger in diameter than industry norm. On our swings we have a custom U Bolt that gives us 2 pivot points for a smooth and easy swinging motion, along with an eye bolt that goes completely through the top header giving you the most strength possible. Most of the other outdoor log furniture manufacturers just screw a hook up in the header, that could have a good possibility of coming loose over time.All our cedar log outdoor furniture has contoured seats that are hand sanded for smoothness and comfort. If you’re looking for the best outdoor furniture, buy from people who eat, breathe and live cedar log furniture for over 40 yrs.